Windsor Hills Tennis

The Windsor Hills tennis courts are located in the recreational area of Windsor Hills. There are two hard court tennis courts side by side in the facility.


The recreational area is about a 7 minute walk from the villa.

Note: You can rent tennis racquets and tennis balls from the Windsor Hills Welcome Center for FREE with a refundable cash deposit of $20 for a 3 hour rental.
Windsor Hills Tennis Courts
Windsor Hills Tennis Court

Windsor Hills Tennis Hours

The tennis court hours of operation are from 8am – 10pm daily (the tennis courts are lit in the evenings).

Where Are The Windsor Hills Tennis Courts

Directions From Villa By The Castle To The Windsor Hills Tennis Courts

The Windsor Hills Tennis Courts are located in the recreation area. To get to the tennis courts from the villa make a left when coming out the front door walking until you get to Comrow Street and make a right.


The entrance to the recreation area is down the first road on your left and the tennis courts are located behind the volleyball court and next to the basketball courts and putting green.

Google Maps Directions From Villa By The Castle To The Windsor Hills Tennis Court

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